Friday 15 October 2010

Sembang-sembang tarbawi: Tarbiyatul Aulad

“Ana Zaireen, dari Besut. Alhamdulillah, sedang sambung pelajaran di peringkat sarjana di Southampton University dan telah berkeluarga. Dan, Alhamdulillah, ana mula mengenali tarbiyah sejak di MRSM lagi.”

Asma’ tertib mendengar dengan tekun ketika Kak Zai memperkenalkan dirinya kepada sisters yang hadir di situ. Panjang juga kak Zai berkongsi bagaimana mula kak Zai tertarik untuk lebih serius dalam memahami Deen ALLAh ini. Alhamdulillah, sangat menarik. Asma’ suka mengambil pelajaran daripada kisah-kisah sisters seperti kak Zai ini.

Bagaimanapun, dalam diam, Asma’ juga bermuhasabah. Sebentar lagi giliran dia pula untuk memperkenalkan diri. Tetapi, dia resah kerana belum dia peroleh jawapan untuk soalan ini bilakah dia mula mengenali tarbiyah.

“bila ya aku mula kenal tarbiyah?” bisik Asma’ pada dirinya.“err… bukan dari kecil ke?”

Dengan izin ALLAH, saat itu, segala kenangan liqo’ aulad banat yang dia ikuti ketika dia berumur 7 tahun hadir dalam benaknya. Teringat-ingat kenangan makcik Sarah, makcik maimunah, ibunya sendiri dan pelbagai program, pengisian dan permainan yang mereka susunkan untuk Asma’ dan teman-teman sebaya. “Subhanallah, moga Allah rahmati mereka…dari situ rupanya banyak aku belajar…” Asma’ bertasbih dan berdoa untuk murabbi-murabbinya dalam hati. Sungguh, dia akui, sangat banyak jasa mereka dalam membentuk diri Asma’ hari ini.

“Okey, sis Asma’. Sila perkenalkan diri, banyak kami nak tahu ni?” perlawaan kak Ruhi memecahkan gambaran dalam minda Asma’.

“Oh saye ye?” ujar Asma’ sambil tersenyum segan. “Blurr nye aku..” detik hatinya.

Asma’ pun mula berkongsi sedikit sebanyak personal detailnya sampai pada bagaimana mula perkenalaannya dengan tarbiyah. “Ana tak pasti bila ana mula kenal tarbiyah, sebenarnya.. tapi, seingat ana, bahan pertama yang ana digest terkait tauhid ialah pada ana berumur 7 tahun, insya-allah.” Asma’ diam berfikir. “Ya, 7 tahun insya-allah. Bukan halaqah keluarga, tapi halaqah mingguan yang memang terancang dan berguru dengan murabbi-murabbi mithali, insya-allah. Tapi, ya lah, lama dalam tarbiyah tidak menentukan apa-apa sangat sebenarnya…” ujarnya sambil merendah diri kerana sedar siapalah dia berbanding sisters di hadapannya.

“Subhanallah, awak umur 7 tahun asma’? Besar anak akak tu, Durra… hesh.. nak kene mula ngan Durra ni…” kak Sue member respon, teruja.

“Masya-allah, awalnya. Tapi Asma’, awak ingat lagi ye?” soal kak Amee pula.

“Err… insya-allah, kak. Mungkin sedikit perkongsian untuk semua… ana sendiripun belum ada anak… tapi, apa yang ana lalui, seingat ana.. memang kita tak boleh pandang remeh kepada Tarbiyatul Aulad… atau bahasa Melayunya Pendidikan Anak-anak.. Insya-allah, anak-anak yang kita lihat hari ni, yang mungkin pada kita hanya tahu bermain.. tapi sebenarnya mereka sedang aktif belajar… belajar apa sahaja yang didedahkan di sekelilingnya… jika baik suasana kita sediakan, insya-allah… pasti suasana baik itu akan member kesan kepada pemikiran, jiwa dan tingkah laku ana tersebut dalam kita sedar atau tidak, insya-allah.”

“Insya-allah, ana yakin, liqo’ itulah yang pertama ana hadir dalam hidupnya. Selain dari liqo’ di rumah yang memang dijadikan rutin keluarga, liqo’ banat itulah antara yang membantu ana faham Islam dengan lebih baik. Paling penting, Liqo’ itulah yang membina asas aqidah yang ada dalam jiwa Asma’ hari ini. Alhamdulillah. Semoga ALLAh rahmati murabbi-murabbi Asma’” ujar Asma’ tertib.

“Boleh Asma’ kongsi sedikit apa yang makcik-makcik buat dalam liqo’ tu?” tanya kak Tee dengan penuh minat. Ya lah, kak Tee sendiri seorang yang bersungguh dalam mendidik anak-anaknya.

“Err… ana bagi contoh satu bahagian dari liqo’ kami ye kak. Misalnya, terkait tentang Tiga cabang Tauhid.. ketika makcik ingin bantu kami nampak tentang Tauhid Rubbubiyah.. iaitu keesaan ALLAh dalam kekuasaan-Nya.. makcik mulakan dengan menekankan satu ayat sahaja, iaitu surah Al-Furqan, ayat 2. Tapi, dari ayat itu, makcik extract kan jadi 5 phrase yang pendek-pendek, untuk kami tadabbur satu demi satu.”

“Contohnya, phrase 1 yang bermaksud ‘(Allah) yang memiliki kerajaan langit dan bumi’. Minggu 1, kami dibawa bermain di taman permainan… manakan anak-anak seperti kami tidak seronok.. tapi, sebelum dilepaskan bermain, makcik bawa ke sudut padang permainan, dekat dengan pokok-pokok… Makcik buat macam kuiz seperti, sapa yang boleh sebut nama haiwan atau insect yang di sekelilingnya… atau sapa boleh kira awan… atau sapa boleh kira warna hijau yang dia Nampak… Soalan-soalan yang terkait dengan alam sekeliling.”

“Nampak macam kosong dan bosan… tapi, seingat saya, sebagai anak kecil, memang tak kenal erti bosan… ikut saja apa yang disuruh.. tambah-tambah apabila dibenarkan berlari2 untuk pergi ke pohon sekian dan sekian. Tapi, Alhamdulillah, yang lebih penting soalan-soalan itu membantu anak-anak aware, betapa alam sekelilingnya ini luas. Jika dicuba hitung-hitung, memang tak cukup jari. Yalah, masakan kita boleh kira awan, kan? Dari situ, anak-anak kemudiannya pada sesi lain dibawa untuk merasai keluasan keraajan ALLAH di langit dan bumi dengan melukis dan mewarna pula… wallahua’lam..”

“Itu sebagai contoh, banyak lagi, insya-allah pendekatan-pendekatan yang diambil oleh mereka. Tapi, saya tak ingat sangat. Cuma pada saya, kesannya sampai hari ini, insya-allah. Sebut tentang tauhid, dari liqo’ itulah asas-asas keyakinan kepada keesaan ALLAh terbina. Insya-allah. Teringat pula, sehinggakan, semasa sepupu saya mengajak saya menonton cerita Power Rangers, Allah izin saya masih ingat jawapan saya ketika itu, ‘tak naklah, power rangers tu ajak kite syirik. Mana ada kuasa sehebat kuasa ALLAH swt!” dan selepas itu ibu yang dimarahi nenek dan makcik kerana kononnya ibu mengajar anak pelik-pelik. Tapi, sungguh. Insya-allah, saya yakin jawapan saya tu tak dipengaruhi ibu. Tapi, datang dari kefahaman yang terbentuk dari program-program tarbiyah seumpama liqo’ itu insya-allah… wallahua’lam.” Asma’pun akhirnya menutup perkongsiannya kerana lama pula masa yang diambilnya.

“Alhamdulillah.” lafaz yang terkeluar dari banyak sisters.

“Sungguhkan, tarbiyah anak-anak ni tak boleh diringankan…” ujar kak Sue seakan bermuhasabah sambil melihat anak-anaknya bermain.

“Alhamdulillah, terima kasih Asma’. Nampaknya perkongsian yang sangat bermanfaat untuk para ibu generasi ini. Hebat apa yang telah para ibu generasi atas kita usahakan dan tentunya semua ini menuntut jihad dan pengorbanan dari kita. Tak mudah terutama untuk para ibu yang berkerjaya. Apalah yang anak-anak kita lihat dan dengar ketika kita di tempat kerja.” Tambah kak Zai dengan nada sayu.

“tapi…” kak Ruhi. “hanya ibu yang hebatlah, Allah akan dikurniakan anak-anak pewaris yang hebat, insya-allah. Mana mungkin ibu nak berbicara tentang Tauhid, jika ibu sendiri tak sure tentang hakikat TAUHID, ye tak?? So, insya-allah, jom azam jadi ibu-ibu yang hebat!!” Seru kak Ruhi penuh makna dan semangat.

“Yeay, insya-allah!!” sahut para sisters yang lain dengan penuh kesungguhan dan keazaman.

Asma’ malu sendiri. Banyak lagi yang dia harus pertingkatkan. Di hadapan kakak-kakak ini, siapalah dia. Terlalu banyak yang harus Asma’ pelajari, kerana dia yakin pengalaman adalah guru terbaik. Jadi, banyak lagi pengalaman-pengalaman kakak-kakak ini yang harus dia kutip sebagai bekalan diri, insya-allah. Inilah kehidupan. Apa yang baik yang telah dimulai generasi awal, kita teruskan dan pertingkatkan. Kerana kita semua manusia, sehebat manapun kita, ada masa naik, dan ada masa turun. Kita saling memerlukan dalam usaha untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih dekat dengan ALLAh swt. Insya-allah.


Sunday 18 July 2010

It is not easy to be SPECIAL

‘Sister, till now, I feel difficult to accept what had happened to me in the past; and I hate it, I hate my past so much...’ said a close friend of mine. ‘Because of that, I kind of seeing sorrow in my future and I don’t want to go forward as I am terrified that the same thing will happen again.’ She ended her half-an-hour sharing with tears.

I looked at her sympathetically; not any word I could say yet. I didn’t want to hurt her feeling. I could imagine if I were at her place, I might not be as strong as she was. I remembered seeing her smiling and being so calm at that time when some of ‘trusted’ people tried to put her down in so many ‘weird’ and ‘crazy’ ways. I knew it was not a fault for her to admit the pain she had gone through. But for me, I could not let myself being immersed into her past. Yet I need to help her bringing herself out of the problem and looking back to it from a different horizon. I believe this is how a counsellor always works.

So, I tried to begin my word with a question. ‘Sister, despites your past, are you happy now?’ She looked at me, frowning and said, ‘Alhamdulillah, of course, I am. It is so much pleasure to know and to be with the people that around me now. I know they love me for Allah; and I love them for ALLAH to, insya-allah. Why is that, sister?’

I smiled. ‘I know I am not the best person to say this; because as you know, I was not the one who went through those horrible experiences.’Oh, come on, sister. You know I would love to listen to any kind of sharing,’ she said.

Thank you. You know sister, it seems a ‘fate’ destined by the Lord of the world that in order to be ‘special’; there will always be so much troubles that we need to go through. For instance, in order to be the most beautiful and sparkling diamond; there are so much difficulties and hardships that the black ‘carbon’ has to go through. Do you know that? The diamond was not formed easily; it has to go through so much heat, force and cut under and above the earth that we could hardly imagine. And then, when all the process is done successfully, there comes the diamond that worth thousand pounds; so enchanting and bewitching so many eyes.’

‘The same goes to us, sister. Allah could let us have an ‘easy’ and ‘trouble-free’ life. But, then, how can we become ‘special’? Special here I think, I would love to refer in both worlds; being special in this world and special in the next world.’

‘How come the troubles and problems made me special in this world, sister?’ she asked.

‘You are special, sister and you should know that. The problems make you special because with them, you are now more ‘expert’ on ‘human’ in general than me. You could understand others’ pain when they are facing similar situations better than me. Sister, if not, how come our beloved Prophet, Muhammad S.A.W. was made by ALLAH to be the man who experienced the most of troubles and tribulations exist in this world. Let us count how much horrible situation he had gone through in his life.’

‘He experienced the sad childhood, if you like to call it; because his father died before his birth, because his mum died in front of him, because he was brought up by an uncle who has 10 other children, because he had to work as a ‘shepherd’ since he was little and so much more. And later on, as he was pronounced to be the ‘messenger’, he experienced being ‘swore’, ‘stab-backed’ and ‘fitnah’ by his own ‘trusted’ people. Then, he experienced the siege, the death of his beloved ones; his wife and his closest uncle and so many other things that we can say ‘horrifying’ experiences before he was now is known as ‘the most influential figure in the world’. Wasn’t he’s seen as so ‘special’ in so many people’s eyes because of his patience and... I shall call ‘success’ to deal with those tribulations, sister?’

She was silent. I knew she was trying to think and relate those words with her situation. Soon as she looked better, I continued. ‘People who experience little difficulties and challenges understand little about this world; because this world is all about challenges. Since born we faced various challenges; but we never gave up. Look at the babies! If they give up in their learning walking now they could never walk when they grow up. And, sister, we were those babies; and we were those who were success to go through all the challenges in the ‘babies-world’. So, because we did not give up in the past; so never give up now, sister!’

There are so many things in the future that now we do not know yet. It is a secret; kept nicely by ALLAH. Why we are frightened by something that we actually do not know yet? May be, we never know that whether those people who has done so badly to us in the past; have changed and have sought forgiveness from ALLAH.. Hopefully, insya-allah. Aren’t we happy for them for joining the ‘good’ crowd like the prophet S.A.W. and his companion were so happy when they receive the most furious ‘kuffar’ generals, Khalid Ibn Walid and A’mr al-asr to join them (Muslim brotherhood)?

‘So, in short, I would like to say to myself as well as you, my dear sister; NEVER LET THE PAST HUNT US DOWN. All the challenges and difficulties appear in our life path are granted by HIM, the Lord of the World, who knows BEST in everything at every time; to make us SPECIAL in this world and in the NEXT, insya-allah. Never give up, and never lose hope, insya-allah. Let us Put our FULL TRUST only to HIM, the ONLY BEST sustainer and the maintainer of the world. Insya-allah.’

‘Wallahua’lam. (Allah knows best)

Soon as I finished, she hugged me, like she always does.

‘Thank you so much,’ she said with a sparkling eyes and sincere smile.

-The End-

Video for reflection:

[Click here to watch how diamond is formed and cut]

[Click here to watch cute walking babies]

[Click here to watch the best ‘picture’ of Muhammad S.A.W. (Peace be upon him)]


p/s: last bit... Enjoy one of my favourite singers, Maher Zain with his 'Insya-allah' song! ^^

Friday 16 July 2010

My Poem: Upset Not

Upset Not

I tried to talk to her; she’s busy

I tried to talk to him; he’s away

I tried to talk to them; they never know me

I was upset

I was frustrated

I was sad

But then

I remember

Why should I feel upset?

Isn’t He who is always there?

Because He is Al-Hayyu and Al-Qoyyum

Isn’t He who knows me BEST?

Because He is Al-A’leem and Al-Hakeem

Isn’t He who is the BEST LISTENER?

Because He is Al-Samee’

So, I raise my hand

And I talk to HIM and disclose my feeling

So, I take the Love Letters HE gave me

And I read what He has said to me

So, I take the praying mat

And I bow myself to HIM

Oh my...

I feel free, I feel released


You are the BEST

You are the GREATEST

All Praises go only to YOU

To You I worship and To You ask for HELP

Thank You ALLAH.


15th July 2010

Sunday 13 June 2010

The only issues that come to my eyes and minds are Palestine issues; WHY?

Yesterday, I was planning to share other things in here actually. But, I couldn’t. The only things that had come into my eyes and minds were Palestine issues. Last week, with all the academic assignments matter, I could not do my favourite hobby; which is ‘browsing the internet to discover the truth’. You know that the main stream media is not often correct, right? [and, I don’t have TV at all to watch it!] So, yesterday, I seemed to get myself immersing into finding out the bits that I missed on Palestine issues especially on the Freedom Flotilla latest news.
However, suddenly, I remember the people who are still ignorant about this issue; and there are a lot of them including some of my friends. I am not blaming you for not knowing about this issue; since this is not one of the famous issues displayed in the main stream media in many countries; including Malaysia.
Generally, we are more towards something that I should say as ‘FUN’, ‘RELAXING’ and ‘POLITICALS’ rather than something serious, THOUGHTFUL and non-profitable. So, basically I am just doing my part to share with you what I knew and what I concern most and why. So, I guess to start my writing with, I shall explain by trying to answer these questions;
1) What is freedom flotilla?
2) What is happening in Ghazza?
3) Why this thing is so bothering me?
4) What actually happened in 31st May 2010?
5) What can we do then?
What is freedom flotilla?
In order to answer the first question, I would ask you to watch this clip as a start to have a general view on Freedom flotilla;
[That public speaker is from Malaysia! ^_^ I am proud of him and his team!]
Basically, Freedom Flotilla were the boarding and seizure of six ships carrying the tonnes of humanitarian aid ships and were heading to Gaza@ Ghazza on 31st of May 2010. These ships were Turkish ships but hundreds of humanitarian activities from various countries [Turkey, US, UK, Ireland, Greece, Kuwait, Malaysian, Algeria and etc] were involved directly and indirectly in this matter. As we can see what the lady in the clip has said; ‘we are doing things that our government are not’. So, basically they are not from one organisation that can be labelled as ‘terrorist group’; yet they are international humanitarian activists, including Muslim and non-Muslims who are concern with what is happening in Ghazza.
What is happening in Ghazza?
Okay, then; before that, what is happening in Ghazza? Why those people are so concern on that place? Indeed, it took hours or sessions to answer this question those who are totally ignorant with this issue. But, I would love to share these three clips swith you. The first two are quite short; and the third is quite long; but really informative and worthwhile to be watched!
[Why Palestine is not in the map?]
[Look at how they (israel) describe Palestine issue]
So, basically, as what have you seen both videos; Palestine issue especially Ghazza is the most serious humanitarian issue in the humanity history. It is not because others are not as violent as this; but this issue is ‘weird’ since the criminals seem untouchable by any international authorities or world organisations; including the UN (United Nations). What worse is when many of them are trying to put the fault and the terror onto the victims’ faces; instead dealing with the CULPRITS and the CRIMINALS! Indeed, this is the most ashamed actions ever! I am saying this especially to the US since I have discovered that many Palestine videos; including the above two are made by the BRAVE and Should-be-salute American citizens who wanted to find the truth lying beyond this ‘weird’ issue.
Why this thing bothers me so much?
So, why this issue bothers me so much? Oh, God! Come on...
I think this issue should be bothering all human beings who have ‘hearts’ and ‘minds’ in this world. Should I say why?
Well, just imagine that those portrayed in the videos are happening to you and your family? While you are living happily in a comfortable and well-decorated house with your beloved family; some mad armies with guns and bulldozers come to your house and ask you to evacuate from your house in 10 minutes; because they are going to build their residents in that area. What would you think you might do? Okay, I know, logically, some people said they will call out for the national and international justice. But, what if none of them come to support you? And, worse to worst is they accuse you for being ‘rude’ and should be punished for you rudeness? There are cases also where they are just crushing all of family members down together with the houses if they are not moving out; which in other words, they KILL you because you do not give your beautiful house to them! I bet you will this is absolutely CRAZY! Yea, these are CRAZY and that what are happening in PALESTINE for decades!
And, still asking me why this issue is bothering me very much? If you do; watch this song clip by Outlandish; a group of well-known young rappers; and hopefully you understand why you could not understand my feeling and concerns!

[We hardly understand them if we had not put ourselves into their shoes @_@]
What actually happened in 31st May 2010?
So, then what does these brutal humanitarian issues have to do with Freedom Flotilla? As I told you in the beginning they are a very huge gathering of humanitarian activists who posses high level of concern towards the Palestinian issue; particularly the Ghazaa blockade. The issue was their ships were seized by the IDF (Israel defence Force) while they were sailing in the international water; which made 9 activists from the largest flotilla which is Mavi Marmara were killed.
This happened on 31st May 2010; which is really recent. And, what makes this incident special was the whole world had been able to see this massacre lively because we have the technology now! Everything comes freshly; live from the ship itself. And, as we can see from their lunatic actions; they seem to not prepare to this situation where their COMMON crimes are opened to the whole world. Alhamdulillah I was one of the people who watched this seizing incident lively form al-Jazeera English since I was in my sister’s (in Islam) house while that tragedy happened.
For me, after my personal research on this killing matter, it seemed to be more an intentional murder rather than accidental by the Israel’s army. I know there are a lot of arguments in this matter; but I have no shakeable belief towards those who claim that the IDF intentional killing actions since killing is normal for them (as you have watched in all the previous videos above). Just to help yourself understand more; please watch these few clips which were the videos that successfully smuggled out from the ships and the testimonies of the British and Malaysian activists who were in the ships while the killing incident happened.
[the US lady who was able to smuggle the video from the freedom flotilla incident]
[the real man brain was in his body? OMG!]
Besides, another lunatic action that I totally cannot accept is (and I knew many of us) is when these humanitarian activists are then being accused as the terrorists! Oh my god; that was unbelievable! They are just doing the same thing towards the international humanitarian activists as they are doing to the Palestinians people! It seemed to be the most BRAINLESSNESS actions ever since they are actually revealing their HIDDEN CRULEST CRIMES to the whole WORLD! I am not sure whether you are agreeing with me or not; but you can watch these videos to make your own judgements.
[compare these two videos]
[NOTE: Slings vs Guns = which one are more terrifying weapons to you?]
[look on how they defined terrorists!]
What can we do then?
So, basically; these are the issues that hunting me all the times. But, of course; as you said; what can we do to contribute in this matter? Should all of us be joining the humanitarian or Palestinian solidarity organisations that are available in our place? Well, I would like to comment here any further since I wish to touch this thing in my next post. Anyway; if you ask me; I will say, ‘WHY NOT?’ these organisations will not be able to do anything without people who willingly volunteer themselves to help running them.
But, you know; if you are not ready yet; I am suggesting you to at least do two things. First is you find out more on this issue, make yourself really aware of it and spread the news to all your friends and relatives; this is really important as I said before; many people still being ignorant in this matter. The worse thing is they are not just ignorant but they are also being spooned in the false news especially from the fascist mainstream media. I would love to share this guy’s thought on this matter; his name is Lowkey; an excellent British rapper.
['Who dictate things that you should or shouldn't care about?']
[An excellent song from Lowkey!]
Second, you might also start involve in boycotting ISRAEL products. You know why? Cause that one of the source where these lunatic people (IDF) get their money to keep enhancing their weapons for their TERRORISM acts. I love to share with you this creative boycotting campaign happened in somewhere around Europe (I have no idea where) and it is excellent one! I love it and I support it! Also, here is a creative and sarcastic short article on boycotting; which also I like it very much!
[nice green shirt, isn't it?]
I know you might say; there are lots of things from Israel; so then HOW can we boycott them? I think, just do your BEST! It is absolutely better than you doing none! ^^
So, that’s it. Hopefully, this articles, videos and suggestions might be useful to at least enhance your perceptions towards Palestine issues; and hopefully you are not going to be curious why this issue really bothering many of us; including me!
That’s all for now.. insya-allah (God’s willing) I will be trying to share more things on this issue in my next posts. But, I think I will be more focussing on Palestine issue from the History and Muslim perspectives. Insya-allah.
Wallahua’lam (God knows best!)
Peace and love from me
Plymouth, England.

Saturday 12 June 2010

I shall begin...

“Where have you been, dear?” a close friend/sister/advisor of mine asked me last month via YM.

I knew what she meant. Though I knew she was missing me like she always does; but what she meant actually was ‘why have you not writing anything for quite some times?’

Huhu... I was just being silent.

Yup.. I knew, few months I haven’t had a chance to sit and write something here. I knew that I have lots of things to share here. And, absolutely I knew I had broken the promised I made to my readers before; and that’s never good... to me, the promise-breaker especially...

I knew I am feeling sad for this; but insya-allah, I’m not regretting for the months that have passed by. Since, insya-allah, with all my courage, I have done the things that I should prioritize. Alhamdulillah.

So, then.. now, what shall I do?

Insya-allah, with all my courage.. I shall begin to share things Insya-allah.. especially the things that I have gone through virtually or in real all over the months which made me left this blog behind.

May this blog will become something that might help me and my soul when the time for me to leave this world has come. Ameen, insya-allah.

This time, I will try my best to use English to share things here. Basically, this is because recently.. as I was reflecting upon all the things happen in today’s world, I saw no purpose for me to be in English teaching course when I was not trying my best to use my strength to spread the word of PEACE to the world.

Then, now.. insya-allah.. I shall begin to do so. May ALLAH guide me to always do things only for HIM.


p/s: a short poem dedicated to you and me...

Three, two, one... GO!!!

Now, to begin with, you need to go...


Where should I go? And why?

Three, two, one... GO!!!

Go and find out more knowledge to live with!

It’s better than a mountain of gold

Go and find out the spirit to practice it!

It’s better than empty talk

Go and find out the strength to share with!

It’s better than keep things to yourself

Go and find out the way to the eternal Jannah!

It’s better than anything you ever imagine


June 11th, 2010

Plymouth, England
