Tuesday 17 March 2009


Salam kasih dan persaudaraan buat kawan-kawan yang dikasihi kerana Allah.. Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah atas segala ni'mat-Nya yang dengan rahmat dan kasih-Nya terlimpah buat kita..
kawan-kawan, nampak tak gambar tulisan Jawi di atas tu? Apa maknanya ya? dan.. apa la pentingnya pula? Well, baek saya terangkan..
kalimah pertama disebut ialah ISLAM,
kalimah kedua disebut ASLAMA
dan kalimah ketiga pula disebut YUSLAMU.
Well, kalimah Islam tu mesti sumer penah dengar kan..? Ada kat IC kita, jelas tertera obviously.. agama: Islam.. dan juga ISLAM di nobat sebagai the world fastest growing religion. manakala, kalimah kedua dan ketiga yang kita tak besa dengar sangat tu, sebenarnya di petik dari KALAM ALLAH yang mana Allah berfirman yang bermaksud;
"Apakah mereka mencari deen yang lain selain daripada deen Allah, padahal kepada-Nya lah menyerah diri (aslama) segala apa yang di langit dan di bumi baik dengan suka mahupun terpaksa dan kepada Allah mereka dikembalikan." (3:83)
"dan barangsiapa yang menyerahkan dirinya (yuslamu) kepada ALLAH sedang dia orang yang berbuat kebaikan, maka sesunggunya ia telah berpegang kepada buhul tali yang kukuh. Dan kepada Allahlah kesudahan segala urusan." (31:22)
So, friends.. insya-allah, both of us can see the relation between these three kalimah already,rigth? the kalimah 'ISLAM' seems to be derived from the other two kalimah which are ASLAMA and YUSLAMU. If we have a look on the above Ayatul Quran. it is clearly stated that those two words mean 'GIVING TOTAL SUBMISSION to ALLAH SWT', isn't it? so, as a thorough language learner, what can we say about kalimah 'ISLAM' itself? can we say..it has something to do with the GIVING TOTAL SUBMISSION to ALLAH SWT as well.. ??
So, as the one who being titled as a MUSLIM or in other words as the practioner of ISLAM or other words as the practitioner of GIVING TOTAL SUBMISSION to ALLAH SWT.. may be we could take some times to ponder on this matter. As TOTAL of course do refer to 100%, right? 100% of SUBMISSION to ALLAH in every aspect of our life.. That ISLAM or MUSLIM means..
But, in reality..
How much in our life that we really submit to ALLAH SWT..? can we say 99%? Nay.. can we say 80%? oh.. I think lesser than that..
We always have our own PLAN to fulfil our life rather than SUBMITTING to what ALLAH wants (or plans) us to do, isn't it?
We always wants something based on our dream and desire, rather than SUBMIT to Allah's DESIRE..isn't it?
In eating.. in studying..in choosing close friends..in choosing LIFE partner..in marriage.. and in so many things.. we always look for what say we rather that SUBMITting to what's say ALLAH..
Ooh.. How far we as a MUSLIm from the real meaning of MUSLIM which means the practitioner of GIVING 100% or TOTAL SUBMISSION to ALLAH SWT..??
So, lets PONDER.. Lets REFLECT
lets IMPROVE and WORK for the BEST to be the REAL MUSLIM as we should Do..
as a reminder..
key word for today :

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