kepada yang telah membaca.. teruskan... semoga bermanfaat....
Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Penyayang lg Maha Pengasih.
Semoga setiap kita sentiasa dalam rahmat kasih dan perlindungan ALLAh swt...
Pepatah melayu kate, ‘Penantian itu satu penyiksaan...’
Saya kate, ‘Siksa tak nak tunggu saya update blog or cerita ni???’ (“,)
Huhuhu.... mohon maaf.. kerana mengambil masa 2 minggu untuk meneruskan perkongsian cerita ini. Alhamdulillah, baru selesai beberapa perkara-perkara penting... dan Alhamdulillah, baru diberi kesempatan untuk meneruskan sharing cerita ini.. i-allah...
Selamat membaca! Semoga bermanfaat...!
Masa berlalu pergi pantas sekali. Tempoh masa kursus Karla telah tamat. Karla tidak lagi tinggal bersama kami di Beit Nurul Jannah, dan Karla telah berpindah ke rumah Abdullah. Rumah Abdullah? Ya, rumah budak lelaki Afghanistan itu. Walaupun tak ingin bersangka, tapi jauh di sudut hati saya, saya amat sedih setelah mengetahui berita itu. Mana taknya, masih teringat-ingat saya akan perbualan kami yang lepas. Apakah Karla akan melonggarkan prinsipnya? Apakah Abdullah ini benar-benar serius dengan Karla? Astaghfirullah...
Saya mohon perlindungan Allah dari bisikan syaitan yang direjam untuk diri saya dan diri mereka. Saya tak tahu mengapa, hati saya amat kasihkan mereka. Meskipun mereka tak punya apa-apa kaitan darah dengan saya, DIa MAHA TAHU, amat kuat sekali perasaan saya untuk mendoakan mereka diberi-Nya Hidayah serta dijauhkan dari azab siksa-Nya yang amat pedih. Ya ALLAH, berkatilah perasaan ini.. yang aku sendiri tak tahu mengapa aku begini..
Suatu malam, sedang saya menghadap laptop untuk menguruskan beberapa hal secara online, pintu bilik saya diketuk. Tanpa menyangka siapa-siapa, sayapun menyuruh hamba Allah itu masuk;
‘Yes, please come in.. pintu tak kunci...’
Tiba-tiba, ‘Maryam, are you in?’
Aku teruja. Itu suara Karla. Lekas-lekas aku membuka pintu.
‘Oh yes... yes.. dear... How are you, Karla..? Como estes? (Bahasa Spanish yang diajarnya)’
‘Oh.. great... Bien.. bien, gracias...’ katanya sambil tersenyum tawa.
‘Oh.. Maryam, I’m going tomorrow..’ nada suaranya berubah sayu, tapi seakan dia tak mahu menunjukkan rasa sedihnya.
‘Mm...Do you have my little bag?’
‘Oh yes.. here you are..’ Saya menghulurkan bagnya yang tertinggal tempoh hari.
Smbil membalas pandangan sayunya saya berkata, ‘Erm.. Karla... are in rush now?’
‘No.. I come here to see you.. Yea.. the guys are preparing dinner for me...but, I’m not in rush..’
‘Oh, great.. Would you like to come in?’
‘Oh.. I love to.. thanks Maryam.’
Karla pun masuk dan seperti sebelum ini, kami akan duduk di atas katil dan bersedia untuk saling berkongsi dan saling mendengar. Dalam hati saya, saya tidak punya apa-apa ‘expectation’ tentang apa yang ingin Karla kongsikan kali ini. Tapi saya bersyukur.. Karla sudi bersembang lagi sebelum dia berangkat pergi.
‘How’s your day recently? The time seems so fast.... I haven’t met you for some times, and now.. you are going back already...’
Karla tersenyum. ‘Yea.. it seems like last night you treat us with the prawn soup and the yummy omelette..’
‘Aha....the spicy soup...? And, Fernanda was terribly suffered for it...’
‘Ha ha ha ha.. yea.... she did... but, the omelette was delicious...’
‘Thanks, Karla.. Yea.. I’ll be missing you..’
‘Oh.. me indeed... Maryam.. thanks for being so kind to me..’
Saya tersenyum. ‘I did nothing to you, dear.. You are being so kind to yourself and others... Many people loves you.. and May God bless you..’
‘You know... despites all the fun I had last week... most of the time.. I could’t stop thinking what you’ve told me before. You know.. about the God.. and everything.. Especially last night... and I told myself, I’ve to see you tonight.. I’ve got to know more... at least a little bit more...’
Aku terkesima dan segera beristighfar... Subhanallah.. tak sangka dia masih kuat untuk meneruskan pencariannya.. Alhamdulillah..
‘You know.. Abdullah.. last night we had a long talk about religion. I din know how we suddenly came into it... but I think it was because.. you know.. he was still trying to beg me again for *** again... as usual... and I kept ignoring him and telling him what I told you before... If he is my legal husband, then no problem.. but he is not... yet, I’m not going to think about marriage till I understand myself.. and of course.. like I told you.. nothing allow me to understand myself until I have a firm belief on religion or on a way of life...’
Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah. Segera saya kerapkan tasbih dan tahmid apabila mendengar bicara Karla. Dia benar-benar berpegang teguh pada prinsipnya itu. Semoga Allah menunjukinya ke jalan yang benar... ‘Ya ALLAH... tunjukkanlah kami ke jalan-Mu yang lurus.. Jalan orang-orang yang Engkau beri nikmat, bukat jalan orang-orang yang Engkau murka..dan bukan juga jalan orang-orang yang sesat...’ doa saya dalam hati..
‘Then, last night, when he tried asking me again... you know what I said to him...?’
Saya mengangkat kening dan menggeleng-gelengkan kepala.
‘Abdullah, aren’t you a Muslim? Aren’t you supposed not to do such thing? Aren’t you afraid of God? Aren’t you supposed to protect yourself from the hellfire?’
‘Subhanallah... You said such thing??’
‘Yea.. I did.... and he was like so fascinated.. and he turned quite and said nothing at all.’ Karla berkata sambil tersenyum, mungkin me’reflect’ kejadian malam itu.
‘Karla....masya-allah.. masya-allah... May God Bless you... But.. how.. how you know those things... Subhanallah... Karla... did I miss anything before...???’
‘Oh.. it’s actually... well... you know.. the Quran verse you gave to me... I did show to him.. and.. I think... that’s made us talk about Islam and other religion lots more.. I did share about what you say to Abdullah... and, yea... he told me the same.. Yet.. He elaborated more... Hmm... but.. I don;t know... whether I should believe him or not.... you know him right... I rather listen to you than him.. cause I don’t want to be bluffed... hihihi...’ katanya dengan nada berjenaka.
‘Oh... Alhamdulillah.. Thank God.. the verse... Oh... you can share with me what he told then... may be I can tell you whether it’s absolutely accurate or not...’ sambil tersenyum, aku pun membalas jenaka Karla, tanda setuju dengan pendapatnya yang si pakcik Afghanistan sorang ni... memeningkan kepala kami...
‘lot’s of things we talk about.. but, I like when he said.. you know.. like you said... which I can say that I hardly found people in other religion will say as such.... Abdullah told me that... He loves Islam... and he proud to be a muslim.... although he knew he is not a good one.. but... He said.. if he was given choices to choose other religion.. no doubt... he will still want to choose Islam...’
‘when i asked why... he told me that... Islam is not just a religion.. it’s a way of life... it encompasses everything... and... I love when he told me the same thing as you told me... about the nature of God which is so simple and so convincing as compared to other religion... he said that he agreed what you told me... cause... he also said.. the ONENESS of GOD in ISLAM made his heart become peaceful. It’s just so simple.. The GOD is one.. HE knows everything and wants the best for everyone.. HE wants no harm to humanity.. HE is the most Just.... although Abdullah said to me.. he is not a good muslim.. but he loves ISLAM very much...’
‘Subhanallah.. bagus juga pakcik Abdullah sorang ni....’detik hatiku.
‘He also did tell me about few things Muslims did as their thankfulness to the GOD for HIS BLESSINGS and GIFTS... they pray... yea.. he told me that he left the prayers so long time ago.. but, he knows.. praying has so much wonders in it... he said.. it’s because he is here... in this country.. he has changed so much... he left what he did in his country... you know Maryam... he said he behave differently in his country...’
Aku tersenyum dan membalas dengan nada jenaka ‘aha... some more excuses...don’t you think so...? God is not only in Afghanistan... God sees him at everywhere.. judge him in any where... ’
‘Yea.. absolutely.. and I told him about you and your friends... I said that... how come... Maryam and her friends can still keep praying??? They are just like you... living in this country... studying almost the same thing.... Teaching English... and, yea.. he said.. oh yes.. ‘I am just so lazy... to wake up in the morning and do the praying.. it was so that and so this....’ you know how he is, don’t you....???’ katanya sambil tertawa.
Aku juga turut tertawa... ada juga bisikan hatiku berbunyi, ‘memang betul punye betul la pakcik Abdullah sorang ni... bila la nak insaf...’ tapi ada juga berbunyi, ‘Astaghfirullah.. Maryam... patutnya kamu bersyukur.. Allah masih perlihara kamu... banyakkan istighfar dan merendah diri... bukannya rasa best atau bangga bila orang cakap macam tu...’
Ya Allah... itulah.. lemah betul diri ini... Alhamdulillah.. DIA masih izinkan imanku berbicara menyedarkan aku.
Tiba-tiba Karla memegang tanganku.. dan berkata...
‘You know Maryam.. I think.. My heart has been opened to what you BELIEVE... Islam.... cause.. everything in your religion just make sense to me.. I love to study more.. and learn more.... and, Maryam... thanks... you are a part of this.... ’
Masya-allah.. terpana aku mendengar katanya.. Cepat-cepatku aku kerapkan lagi istighfar, tasbih dan tahmidku.. SUngguh.. Inilah berita gembira yang sangat saya nanti-nantikan.. Segala puji bagi ALLAH.. Maha Suci ALLAh.. Tidak aku berbuat apa-apa melainkan segala-galanya dari ENGKAU... ENGKAU MAHA MEMILIH SIAPA YANG ENGKAU KEHENDAKI.. dan ENGKAU MAHA TAHU, siapa yang MAHU mencari-MU...
‘Me? Karla.. I did nothing... you are just a special person.. that HE gave me the precious chance to meet and to know... I’ll be missing you very much after this... believe me..’
‘Maryam, you know what Abdullah told me about your dressing? I love it.. but I don’t know whether it’s true or not...’
‘Aha.. what is it?’ Kataku sambil tersenyum.
‘He said that... Islam views Muslim ladies as high as it can.. that’s the reason.. GOD asks Muslim ladies to cover themselves in order to preserve their dignity and purity.. Abdullah said.. it’s like an apple... if you take off the skin... the apples will get rotten so easily... the fruit will turn black and no one will like to eat it.. as compared to the apple with nice skin... it looks fresher and more delicious.... that’s how Islam wants Muslim ladies to be.. well-protected.... well-preserved... as they supposed to be....’
‘Oh.. gosh.. what a wonderful analogy he gave to you.. He was so brilliant..’
‘Yea... I love it... you know.. I love it very much... it just make sense you know.. and.. Maryam.. I want you to know that... it’ll be no surprise... if you find me one day... looking just like you...’ katanya sambil memandang tepat mata saya dengan wajah tersenyum penuh makna.
Subhanallah. Alhamdulillah. Allahuakbar. Tak putus-putus saya bertasbih, bertahmid dan bertakbir. Tak tergambar perasaan saya ketika itu. Saya hanya mampu membalas senyumannya dan berkata;
‘I love you, Karla. May the Lord of the earth and heaven guides us to HIS true way...’
‘Oh, Maryam.. you know that... Abdullah did ask me the same question like you asked me before.. what’s my view about God.. and.. I kind of trying to say what I said to you.. you know.. like.. I believe in a POWER... but I don’t really know who or what is it.. then... you know.... Abdullah hushed me off... he said, ‘shhhhh.... shhhhh.... Karla... say nothing from your mouth... but listen carefully to you heart....’ you actually believe.... believe in HIM... believe in HIS presence.... there is no other POWER but that is actually the GOD... the LORD of the WORLD... the Creator of heaven and the EARTH...’ I was like.. oh Gosh... his words really touched me.... and yea.. I know now.. actually.. I believe in GOD...’ kata Karla penuh nada keriangan dan kepuasan.
‘Now.. I just need to keep on reading.. and learning... about HIM.. and I think... I want to know more about the GOD in ISLAM... I don’t know... EVERYTHING in ISLAM just made sense to me... what you told, what Hilal told and what Abdullah told me about ISLAM... are all the same.. and are all made sense.... what a unique...!!!! I never experience such thing with other people in other religions.... All of you are proud to say that you are embracing a Belief because you choose to do so...not because your family or force or traditions..... I even talked to A**** (nama pelajar lelaki MA dari Chile)... why we never knew about this religion in CHILE... and you know.. both of us are interested to know and learn more about this.. ’
Alhamdulilah. Tak terkata apa saya, melainkan.. terus memanjantkan segala puja dan pujian kepada yang selayaknya... Cuma, sebagai sedikit usaha lagi.. saya...
‘Karla.. I LOVE you SO MUCHHH...!!!!!’
‘Karla... I wanna give you a book...I think it helps you to learn more.. to understand more about the belief in ISLAM... though it’s not my book... it’s Ummu’s... but I believe.. she’ll be more that happy if she knows that I’ve given it to you.... would you like to have it??’ kataku sambil menghulurkan buku NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE oleh Harun Yahya.
‘OH... GOSHHH!! I love it.. love it very much... this is the book you showed me before, don’t you.. believe me.. believe me.. I will read it all along my journey to Preston... thank you.. thank you, Maryam... You are such a great person...’
‘And, Karla... I have few links to show you... you know that you’ll get lots and lots of info about ISLAM in the internet? Last two days... I even discovered a good website about ISLAM in Spanish language.. such a wonderful one! I’ll show you...’
Ya, tiga hari lepas.. Allah ketemukan saya dengan website ini, dan hati saya amat-amat teringatkan Karla. Moga-moga, website ini sedikit sebanyak membantu dia untuk terus belajar dan faham tentang DEEN-NYA ini, dan mana tahu... satu hari... benar-benar.. dia terpilih menjadi saudara Muslimah saya.. insya-allah..
‘Aha.. that’s great.. that’s great.... I would love to see it.. can I?’
‘Of course..’ Segera saya membuka link website tersebut.
‘Oh, great.. great... I love this link.. oh, gosh... it’s in Spanish.... look, look.. ******** (Karla bercakap dalam bahasa Spanish)... oh great..’
‘This man is an Argentinean... he has become Muslims... i can show you the link... but, Karla.. I want to show you a short and interesting video... an Australian become a Muslim.. HIS name is Ruben.. Abu Bakr... would you like to see it now? Cause... you might be hard to find time to watch it when you are in Preston....’
‘Oh great.. yes..please.. I would love to do so...’
Sayapun membuka link You Tube tersebut. Karlapun duduk di kerusi saya dan bersedia untuk menonton video selama 14 minit 21 saat itu.
[terpaksa disambung lagi kerana post kelihatan terlalu panjang, insya-allah, kali ni, sambungan akan dilakukan sesegera mungkin]