Monday, 29 June 2009

Jazakumullahukhairan Kathira..

Jazakallahukhairan Kathira
(Terima Kasih banyak-banyak)
untuk Kak Myra, kak Thira dan Hana sayang..

Semoga Allah menghujani limpahan kasih dan rahmat-Nya buat ntum (kalian) bertiga..

Bukan sahaja kerana makanan yang best,
tapi juga jutaan terima kasih atas nasihat yang sangat best..

'Jadilah seperti pohon kayu yang lebat buahnya, tumbuh di tepi jalan.
Dilempar buahnya dengan batu, tetapi tetap dibalas dengan buah,'
-Saidina Abu Bakr As-sidq-

Sesungguhnya Hanya Allah yang Maha tahu
betapa Maryam sangat terharu..

memang wajib bagi Maryam sayang ntum..

dan insya-allah,
akan maryam sayang ntum kerana-Nya sampai bila-bila..

Semoga Allah sayang kita semua kerana kita saling menyayangi kerana-Nya..

Sayang ntum kerana ALLAH...!

With lots of love n Care,


  1. salam..another year older,another year wiser,Maryam..:D
    ouhhh sweetnyer..
    Terima kasih Allah kerana bagi Kak Mira adik-adik yang sgt baik..:)Kitaorg semua pun sayang Maryam kerana Allah.:(
    Ok2..before i get too emotional,i just better get some sleep.hehe

    p/s:Count your blessings, not your wrinkles*wink*

  2. Thanks a lot my dear sis for your drop by n comments.. n food... n love.. n caring.. and a lot more..
    No one able to give u proper reward but only ALLAH swt.. May HIs limitless blessing always be showered upon you...

    Cheers! :D

  3. wah looks delicious..even the look can depicts the taste of it..hehe

    Maryam just found few available Uni around UK which had an MOU with UKM..there are Cambridge and Nottingham Uni...

    I'v send an email to my head program regarding on this..and hopefully she will look forward to help me along..pray for me ya,,currently can't sleep well bcoz my mind asyik fkr psl bnda ni..huhuhu

  4. Alhamdulillah. that's sounds really great..!

    NOTs.. bagus tu.. ada Sis UKM kat situ..
    n I-allah, next SEGAR di NOTS juga..
    hihi.. panjang umur, ana bakal menziarahi NOTS tak lama lagi.. :D
    Welcome, welcome here my dear sis.. mari mengimarahkan CINTA-NYA di bumi UK..i-allah..

  5. salam sis..huu
    though xdpt wat surprise utk kamu as in
    celebrate rmai2, but i know everyone did
    wish u happy birthday!
    may Allah grant u with His blessings and may u
    tsabat in this path..

    we complete each other in terms of assignments??!! are we?

    your sis

  6. Ameen.. n Thanks sis daff..
    that's absolutely true.. Allah often makes me couldn't proceed works without u! :D
    Luv u 4 Allah, sis!

  7. sedapnya dia makan kat sana.. kami kelaparan kat Malaysia ni sebab masing2 maleh masak.. huhuhu..

  8. assalamualaikum.

    ukhuwah itu indah apatah lagi bila ia lahir dari hati...


Your Precious Thougths